Peter, Elsewhere on the Web

Two Wizards
A comedy podcast about wizards with Tom McLean.
Exploring the worlds of deception and swindles with Nicholas J. Johnson.
Your Life, The Musical
Tell the story of your life through songs, with Sarah Jane Haywood.
An article on about my erotica-writing career.
The Action Points Podcast
Interviewed talking about Scuttle! and the future of Jellybean Games.
Legal Moves podcast
Interviewed about Scuttle!'s success on Kickstarter
Bath Time - Lessons in Smut
Answering questions about writing smut for a living with Paul Culliver.
Bath Time - Interviewing Paul
Interviewing Paul Culliver about his year spent making a daily podcast.
Bath Time - Fringe Festival
At the Melbourne Fringe Festival with Paul Culliver and Harley Hefford.
Bath Time - Fringe Festival
At the Melbourne Fringe Festival with Paul Culliver and Claire Sullivan.
Ellen Dominick
How To Write Erotica: 3 Tips with Pandora Box (that's me).
Short films, live shows, TV pilots, vlogging and more.