There are 10 official countries in All-That-Is, and three areas which are considered by many to be countries themselves.
- Calobia, home of the Gnomes. Capital: Cognito
- Damuck, home of the Demons. Capital: Lehfrie
- Nirenda, home of the Elves. Capital: Ikiva
- Ellay, home of the Peedlings. Capital: Nemae
- The Heartland, home of the Humans. No capital, though the largest city is Earth.
- kronktoN, home of the Orcs. Capital: Ugh
- Land of Ogres, home of the Ogres. Capital: Big City.
- The Narcarbia Islands, home of the Dwarves. Capital: Galtua
- Nevah-Nevah, home of the Angels. Capital: Earlgate
- Thebaz Isle, home of the Fairies. Capital: shifting. Currently Byntol.
The three regions considered to be independent are:
- The Big Desert (populated mostly by Trolls)
- Mount Zeddy (mostly uninhabited)
- Nomad's Land (populated mostly by halflings and Peedlings.)